Eberhard Waffenschmidt, Till Paulzen, Alexander Stankiewicz,
"Common battery storage for an area with residential houses",
Renewable Energy Storage (IRES) conference 2019, Düsseldorf,
Germany, 12.-14.Mar.2019
In this publication the technical benefits of a mutual battery storage
compared to a solution with three individual battery storages is investigated.
This has been done in the context of the EU funded project "GrowSmarter"
in collaboration with Rheinenergie in the living area Stegerwaldsiedlung
in Cologne.
This publication investigates the options for 3 buildings connected
by a private residential grid instead of a public grid, with a central
battery storage and the chance of energy self-consumption. This part
consists of 3 houses with 167 apartments arranged around a common yard.
The roofs are covered with photovoltaic modules with an installed power
of 202,5 kWp. For this area Li-Ion batteries are installed in separate
containers. They have a combined capacity of 200 kWh (130, 60 and 10
kWh) with varying maximum power (30, 20 and 5 kW). It is primarily used
to optimize the use of the PV power. As a result, the grade of autarky
can be improved from 41 % to 45% by use of a common battery storage.
> Manuscript pre-print: PDF-Dokument
(0.7 MB)
> Presentation: PDF-Document
(1.6 MB)
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> Speicher

Calculated grade of autarky and PV self-consumption over a year for the
assumption of a common battery storage in Stegerwaldsiedlung in Cologne. |